Lecture Notes

  1. Arrays, Strings
  2. Linear Search, Binary Search
  3. Object Equality (.equals Method)
  4. Linked Lists (.docx) (ppt)
  5. Stacks (ppt)
  6. Queues (ppt)

Midterm Exam subjects are up to Queues

  1. Recursion(ppt1, ppt2)
  2. Non Linear Data Structures,
    Binary Tree
    Additional Notes on Binary Trees (word1 word2)
  3. Binary Tree (similarity, shape similarity, level order traversal)(pptx)
  4. Binary Search Tree
    Additional Notes on BST (word1)
  5. Priority Queue (ppt)
    Min-Max Heap
  6. Huffman Coding (Compression Algorithm) (ppt)
  7. Introduction to Time Complexities (ppt)
    Big Oh Notation Cheat Sheet
  8. Sorting (word1, word2, ppt)
  9. Merge & Quick Sort (ppt)